Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My turn

Hi, I'm Kim. I live in Northeast Ohio. I've been married to my husband, Mike, for 7 years (together for 18 yrs). We share our home with our new puppy, Roxi.

Our first home was a real fixer upper. We basically replaced everything we could get our hands on. However, after being there for 5 1/2 years, we knew we wanted something that worked better for us. (i.e. a bathroom that we could both fit in at the same time). We decided to have a house built and we've been here since November 2007.

We still have a lot of decorating to do but I find that my taste is often larger than my bank account. Luckily, I've been inspired by many blogs in which "homes" are made without spending a ton of money. My goal is to make our house comfortable and beautiful without breaking the bank. I'm excited to share these things along the way, and hopefullly get some feedback and ideas as well.

We hope you'll enjoy our blog and please leave us comments and/or send us an email with any questions or suggestions.

And yes, one of these days Amanda and I will meet "in real life". It's about time we do that!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Yea! Here we are! I’m so excited that we’re finally on our way with starting our new project! We each have had our own personal blogs for awhile now and have recently decided a collaboration was in order to get us moving on some house projects we’ve been sitting on. Both Kim and I are avid readers of many of the inspiring home blogs out there and have shared them with you on our sidebar. I hope someone can find something fun over there!

My name is Amanda and I live with my husband and 3 children in Central Illinois. I am a hairstylist of 17 years (on an extended leave from that since our 2 year old came along but see a few loyal clients from time to time). I have also been a lampworker for the past 6 years but have devoted most of my time to it these last 2 years that I haven’t been doing hair. My other blog is mainly devoted to jewelry design, lampworking and bits and pieces about the kids. The link to it is in my profile if anyone wants to take a peek.

I am lucky enough to married to a guy who can do anything. Anything-I swear! The only thing we’ve had to hire out in this monster of a house was the roof. I told Travis we didn’t have enough life insurance and with it being 3 stories and steeeeeep…no way! He happily agreed-lol. Our home was built in 1904 I believe and had fallen under some funky “remuddeling” (as he calls it) jobs throughout the years. We tend to be the sort who believe in “if you’re going to do it then do it right” which means taking things back to the period of the home…which also means it takes alot longer than normal...We’ve lived here since 2005 and am only now starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. With major remodeling going on most of the time, decorating has been shoved to the wayside… The main room that even has anything hung on the walls is our daughter, Chloe’s room.

About the two of us: Kim and I met online a little over 6 years ago in a child loss forum. We were both grieving the loss of our babies and somehow the two of us clicked. It was wonderful to have someone to lean on in the hardest time of my life and she continues to be there daily for me (and me for her I hope!) through all of our ups and downs. Can you believe we have never actually met? 6 years…all on the computer and by phone. Maybe one of these days…???

Our goal here is to motivate and inspire each other through our home projects and hopefully make a few friends along the way. Leave us a comment to let us know you came by!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Coming soon